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the pursuit of excellence

In all that we do

​​​​​​​ and all that we aim to achieve

More Able


At Park Hall Academy, we are committed to providing a sufficiently challenging curriculum for all our pupils including our most able students.


  • To ensure that all more able pupils throughout the school, including disadvantaged more able pupils, make good progress. 
  • To ensure that all more able pupils achieve ambitious destination outcomes. 
  • To provide a powerful curriculum that extends and enriches the learning experience of our more able pupils. 
  • To provide challenging teaching that stretches and inspires more able pupils. 
  • To accurately assess and track the progress of more able pupils so that focused interventions can be used where necessary to support progress. 

For all of our high prior attaining students (those who performed highest in KS2) and those who aim to reach the top grades in GCSE and A-level, the best piece of advice we can give is to regularly challenge yourself during lessons. Lessons across the academy offer ‘bronze, silver and gold’ tasks/questions. These questions and activities have been carefully designed to allow every student the opportunity to push themselves to achieve the very best they can.

Our aim is to give Park Hall students every opportunity to reach their full academic potential, a goal that we very much believe can be achieved.

For further information, the following sites may prove useful: