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the pursuit of excellence

In all that we do

​​​​​​​ and all that we aim to achieve

What will I learn in Year 7?

Assessment Cycle 1

Subject Topics
Art Under the sea
Computer Science Digital Literacy
English Classic children’s fiction (creative writing)
French Introduction to grammar & ‘Access Studio’ French basics and phonics
Geography Becoming a geographer
History Power and change in Medieval England
Maths Sequences, Algebraic Thinking, place value & ordering integers, fractions, decimals and percentages
PE Developing basic skills, techniques, and tactics in Indoor Athletics, Netball, Table Tennis and Rugby
Performing Arts Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre - Basic skills, techniques and terminology. Music - Introduction to Music
PSHE British Values 1, LGBT+, Careers: Workplace Skills, Alcohol and Drugs 1, Alcohol and Drugs 2
RE What is religion?
Science Enquiry Processes, Forces, Skeleton, Muscles
Spanish Introduction to Spanish & “Viva 1” Spanish basics and phonics
Technology Food - Cross Contamination, Graphics - TinkerCAD Introduction, RMT - Passive Amplifiers, STEM - Mechanisms & Linkages, Textiles - Day of the Dead Skulls

Assessment Cycle 2

Subject Topics
Art Egyptian Art
Computer Science CS Coding
English POETRY (Conflict) [PEEEL paragraphs]
French Studio 1 Module 1 C’est perso (With a topic from: Access Studio)
Geography Why is our world weird and wonderful?
History Richard III and the Tudors
Maths Solving problems with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions & percentages of amounts, Operations and directed numbers
PE Developing basic skills, techniques and tactics in Rugby, Football, Badminton and Fitness
Performing Arts Dance - Exploring professional dance works, Drama - Going to the theatre: theatre etiquette and different styles of theatre, Music - Exploring the skills and techniques surrounding the Ukulele, Musical Theatre - The History of Musical Theatre
PSHE Sex Education 1, Bullying and Conflict, Finance, Prejudice and Discrimination, Stereotyping
RE What is religion?
Science Particles, Energy, Food Chains & Webs
Spanish Viva 1 Module 4 Mi Familia y Mis Amigos (Christmas in Spain)
Technology Food - Cross Contamination, Graphics - TinkerCAD Introduction, RMT - Passive Amplifiers, STEM - Mechanisms & Linkages, Textiles - Day of the Dead Skulls

Assessment Cycle 3

Subject Topics
Art Egyptian Art
Computer Science Business Applications
English Travel writing - non-fiction (writing to persuade)
French Studio 1 Module 2 Mon Collège
Geography My place
History The later Tudors
Maths Addition and subtraction of fractions, Geometric reasoning, lines and angles
PE Developing basic skills, techniques, and tactics in Fitness, Gymnastics and Basketball, making links between how the skills are used in different activities
Performing Arts Dance - Musical Theatre dance skills (Lion King, Hairspray, Matilda), Drama - Musical Theatre acting skills (Matilda), Music - Celebration Music, Musical Theatre - Types of Musical Theatre part 1
PSHE Relationships, British Values, Online Safety, Mental Health
RE Who was Jesus?
Science Reproduction, chemical reactions, variation
Spanish Viva 1 Module 3 ‘Mi Insti’
Technology Food - Cross Contamination, Graphics - TinkerCAD Introduction, RMT - Passive Amplifiers, STEM - Mechanisms & Linkages, Textiles - Day of the Dead Skulls

Assessment Cycle 4

Subject Topics
Art Egyptian Art
Computer Science CS Hardware
English Drama - Romeo and Juliet (extract to whole)
French Studio Module 4 (+ adapted with other topics) Ma Zone
Geography Weather
History The Gunpowder Plot and the English Civil War
Maths Developing number sense, sets and probability, prime numbers and proof
PE Developing basic skills, techniques, and tactics in Rounders, Athletics and Tennis, making links between how the skills are used in different activities
Performing Arts Dance and Drama - styles from the past and around the world, Music - Music from around the world, Musical Theatre - Musical Theatre Ensemble part 1
PSHE Relationships, Finance, Sex Education, Careers: World of Work, Crime and Personal Safety, Extremism
RE Who was Jesus?
Science Earth and Universe
Spanish Viva 1 Module 5 - Mi Ciudad
Technology Food - Cross Contamination, Graphics - TinkerCAD Introduction, RMT - Passive Amplifiers, STEM - Mechanisms & Linkages, Textiles - Day of the Dead Skulls