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The Pursuit of Excellence

In all that we do

​​​​​​​ and all that we aim to achieve


Mrs Churchill: Assistant Headteacher i/c Careers Education - 
Tel: 0121 748 0400

Mr Brady: Careers Advisor -
Mrs Butcher-Johns: Careers Guidance Counsellor -
Mr Ahmed: Link Governor
Ms Bryan: Enterprise Advisor

Careers Advice Referrals
All students will receive personal careers guidance by the time they reach the end of Year 11.   Where there are concerns, parents can refer their child for urgent careers guidance.  Students can also refer themselves.

Click here to make a careers advice referral

Below is a summary of our Careers, Education, Information and Guidance, here at Park Hall Academy.
If pupils, parents, teachers or employers wish to find out more, please contact the Careers Leader:  R Churchill

Careers Education at Park Hall Academy

High quality career education is a crucial part of improving social mobility. Young people make choices based on what they know and what they think is available to them. The aim of Park Hall Futures is for all pupils at Park Hall Academy to be inspired and fully aware of the career pathways and opportunities available to them, making informed choices about which qualifications and career pathways will enable them to achieve their goals.  ​

​Park Hall works in partnership with many other Solihull schools as part of the Life Ready Programme (Solihull) which provides a framework designed to develop independent, life-ready young adults. The programme is based on evidence from the Gatsby Foundation / Benchmarks and the DfE Careers Strategy The shared vision of the Life Ready Solihull Programme is that ‘students leaving Park Hall will have the skills, knowledge and dynamism to reach their full career potential, to meet the needs of employers and to contribute to the economic growth of the borough and the Local Enterprise Partnership.

The impact of our careers provision is measured through our Compass reviews, which consider the extent to which the school meets the Gatsby Benchmarks. 


For more specific information, please see our detailed packs below: