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the pursuit of excellence

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​​​​​​​ and all that we aim to achieve

Anti-Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment in any form is not accepted at Park Hall. We have zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment and sexual violence, and it will not be tolerated.

We take our safeguarding responsibilities extremely seriously. Any reported incidents of sexual harassment are appropriately investigated and victims supported and protected.

Statutory safeguarding guidance and advice are very clear on our school’s legal duties and the policies and processes already in place to safeguard children.

Part 5 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE 2023) provides schools with detailed guidance about child-on-child sexual violence and sexual harassment, including responding to reports of abuse and protecting victims. Part 5 also signposts to the wider specialist support that is available to us as a school.

Alongside this, recent government guidance documents support us to understand what child-on-child sexual violence and sexual harassment looks like, how to prevent it, how to respond to reports of it, and how to support victims. The Safeguarding team refer to this document in all reported cases.

We promote student understanding of this topic in a multitude of ways though our PSHE curriculum which is developed to be age and stage appropriate, external speakers and assemblies. This tackles issues such as:

  • Healthy and respectful relationships
  • Gender stereotyping and equality
  • Body confidence and self – esteem
  • Consent, rape and sexual abuse
  • Harassment and stalking

We also invite organisations and speakers to deliver information sessions to our students, such as Violence Against Women And Girls (VAWG) assemblies by an external agency commissioned by West Midlands Police.